With the coronavirus, a new Supreme Court case and a blistering election debate, the Affordable Care Act is facing challenges as never before. We looked at how it’s held up to its promise.
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Research findings and data from the National Library of Medicine
Among patients with ESRD initiating dialysis, living in a state that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act was associated with lower 1-year mortality. If this a …
JAMA Cardiol JULY 1, 2019Counties in states that expanded Medicaid had a significantly smaller increase in cardiovascular mortality rates among middle-aged adults after expansion compared with co …
Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes JAN. 1, 2018Medicaid expansion was associated with a significant decline in uninsured HF hospitalizations but not improvements in quality of care or in-hospital mortality among sites …
JAMA Surg MARCH 1, 2018The ACA’s Medicaid expansion was associated with increased insurance coverage and improved receipt of timely care for 5 common surgical conditions. Health care systems an …
J Health Econ NOV. 6, 2018This study examines how subsidized coverage affects prescription drug utilization among low-income non-elderly adults. Using the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansions …