Planets in Our Solar System Worksheets

Propel practice with our free planets in our solar system worksheets. Expand the scope of science sessions to astronomical proportions, giving each of the eight planets the attention they deserve. Identify, name, and learn interesting facts about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in these printable exercises.

Our planets of the solar system worksheets pdfs are best suited for grade 1 through grade 5 kids.

Nestled among the stars in the quiet of the universe, the eight planets shine bright in this printable eight planets chart, beautifully illustrated and clearly labeled for convenience.

Planets in Our Solar System Chart

Saying the names of the planets aloud and in the correct order may just do the trick, as 1st grade and 2nd grade kids straighten out the jumbled mess of their names in this task.

Unscrambling the Names of the Eight Planets

Direct grade 2 and grade 3 children to memorize the mnemonic to get an idea about the sequence of planets in the solar system, before writing down the names of all eight of them.

Sequencing the Planets in the Solar System

Brimming with facts sure to sate the curiosity of budding astronauts, this part of our printable planets in the solar system worksheets calls for checking the correct option to answer each question.

Answering Questions on Planet facts

Witness the wonder that is the solar system in this pdf, where the Sun is depicted at the center, with the planets revolving in their respective orbits, eagerly waiting to be labeled.

Labeling the Planets in the Solar System

Intersperse practice with small bouts of fun and frolic with this section of our planets pdfs, where 2nd grade and 3rd grade learners try their hand at naming planets.

Naming the Eight Planets - Cut and Glue

Watch grade 4 kids revel in the knowledge cleverly concealed by the simplicity of these facts, each one revealing a curious piece of information about the planets in the solar system.

Completing Facts about Planets

Here's yet another cut-and-glue pdf disguised as a sorting task in our planets worksheets. Classify the planets as terrestrial or Jovian and glue them where they belong.

Sorting Terrestrial and Jovian Planets

Reciting the names of the planets in order is the key to quickly and correctly completing this printable matching planets worksheet that expects planets to be paired up with their positions.

Matching Planets to Their Positions

Adding depth and dimension to this collection are our planets flashcards, each one proudly showcasing a colorful picture and a crisp, yet comprehensive description of a planet.

<a href=Planets of the Solar System - Flashcards" />

Improve research acumen and prepare 4th grade and 5th grade kids for advanced concepts with this template that prompts them to gather information about a planet of their choice.

Planet Research Report

Introduce kids to the names and appearances of the moon's sunlit phases as observed from Earth, and guide them in recognizing and identifying the eight distinct phases of the moon.