Applying to NJMS

NJMS is committed to educating humanistic, culturally competent physicians who will respect each other and their patients regardless of race, ethnicity, socioe conomic status, language, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

COVID-related Impact on Admissions

Our application screeners and admissions committee members are sensitive to the disruptions caused to premedical students during the pandemic. They are aware of the multiple issues that have resulted including but not limited to pass/fail grading, online or cancelled labs, limited direct clinical experiences, etc. These challenges will be taken into consideration during the review of applications. For applicants who were significantly impacted in any way during the COVID pandemic, we urge them to provide additional insight in the NJMS secondary application.

Application Deadlines

Due to our rolling admissions process, we encourage applicants to have all requirements submitted as soon as possible, but no later than the following dates:

Application Requirements

Application screening commences as soon as applicants have a completed application file. A completed file includes:

We do not require the PREview or CASPer tests

AMCAS Applications are received from July through March. Due to our rolling admissions process, we encourage applicants to have all requirements submitted as soon as possible.

Secondary Application

All applicants are sent the link to the NJMS Secondary Application and are required to submit their secondary along with the $95 fee no later than December 15 in order for an application to be reviewed by the screening committee. The Secondary Application fee is waived only for applicants who have received approval for the AMCAS Fee Assistance Program (FAP).

The NJMS Secondary provides applicants with an opportunity to expand on topics in support of their candidacy beyond what is included on the primary application. It includes questions addressing special program interests and their participation in NJMS pipeline programs. The secondary also includes reflective writing essays where applicants are able to share their thoughts on topics that are critical to NJMS such as adversity, integrity, collaboration, diversity, humanism in medicine, etc.

Letters of Recommendation (LOR)

We encourage applicants to have letters of recommendation submitted via the AMCAS Letter Service as soon as possible. Our preferences are as follows: