NIST Releases an Example Implementation Tool for NISTIR 8212: An Information Security Continuous Monitoring Program Assessment

Information security continuous monitoring (ISCM) programs provide an understanding of risk tolerance and help officials set priorities and consistently manage information security risk throughout the organization.

NISTIR 8212, An Information Security Continuous Monitoring Program Assessment, provides an operational approach to the assessment of an organization’s ISCM program using ISCMAx a free, publicly available working implementation of the ISCM program assessment described in NIST SP 800-137A. NISTIR 8212 provides instructions for using ISCMAx and guidance for tailoring the ISCMAx tool, if desired. ISCMAx is an example implementation to facilitate making, collecting, and consolidating ISCM Program Assessment Judgements, as well as recording and reporting scores and data for analysis and action.

The ISCMAx tool is a macro-enabled Microsoft Excel application that runs on Windows-based systems only. ISCMAx is not intended to be a production-level product. Download ISCMAx and NISTIR 8212 from the publication details.