Active Voice and Passive in Hindi – Rules, Examples and Exercises – Learn Active and Passive Voice in Hindi. In this post Active and Passive Voice rules in English Grammar have been explained in detail. To learn Active Voice and Passive Voice, you should start with its introduction that is given below. Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के नियम हिंदी में सीखिए।
इस पोस्ट में Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi के नियमों को समझाया गया है। अंग्रेजी सीखते समय एक ऐसा समय आता है जब हमें Active and Passive Voice सीखने पड़ते हैं। Passive voice का प्रयोग अधिकतर वैज्ञानिक तथ्यों और रिसर्च के वाक्यों में किया जाता है। परीक्षाओं के syllabus में भी Active Voice and Passive Voice से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। आपकी सुविधा के लिए एक्टिव एंड पैसिव वॉइस इन हिंदी से संबंधित सभी नियमों को नीचे दिया गया है इन्हें ध्यान से पढ़े और समझे।
Active and Passive Voice in Hindi are easy to learn. All the rules of Active Voice and Passive Voice are in Hindi. If you are learning English or preparing for an exam, Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi will help you a lot. We have tried to write all the rules of passive voice.
English Grammar में Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम सीखने से पहले आपको ये पता होना चाहिए कि Active Voice क्या है तथा
Passive Voice क्या है? उसके बाद ही आगे के Rules सीखने चाहिए। English Grammar सीखने वाले छात्र-छात्राएं या अन्य कोई और किसी न किसी दिन active and passive voice जरूर पढता है क्योंकि यह इंग्लिश ग्रामर का एक महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक है। इसमें किसी एक वाक्य को दूसरे वाक्य में परिवर्तित करते हैं। चलिए अब इनके नियम सीखते हैं।
Definition of voice in Hindi – वाच्य (Voice) क्रिया का वह रूप है जो यह दर्शाता है कि Subject स्वयं कुछ करता है या Subject किसी के द्वारा किए गए कार्य का परिणाम भोगता है, Voice कहलाता है Voice को हिंदी में वाच्य कहते हैं। इससे यह सिद्ध होता है कि Subject सामान्य रूप से किसी कार्य के लिए प्रत्यक्ष रूप से जिम्मेदार होता है या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से जिम्मेदार होता है।
Kinds of Voice (वाच्य के प्रकार)
Voice दो प्रकार के होते हैं अर्थात Transitive Verb के दो प्रकार के Voices में आती है।
1. Active Voice (कर्तृवाच्य)
2. Passive Voice (कर्मवाच्य)
A verb is said to be in the active voice when the person or thing denoted by the subject acts.
एक्टिव वॉइस क्या है?
किसी क्रिया को Active Voice में तब कहा जाता है जब कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु Subject के रूप में कुछ करता है।
Structure of Active Voice – Subject + Verb + Object + Other Words
जैसे –
1. वह खाना पकाता है।
He cooks the food.
2. तुम पत्र लिखते हो।
You write a letter.
3. श्याम टीवी देख रहा है।
Shyam is watching the TV.
4. रोहन ने फूल तोड़ा।
Rohan plucked the flower.
Note – उपरोक्त वाक्यों में Subjects He ‘cooks’ का, You ‘write’ का, Shyam ‘watching’ का, Rohan ‘plucked’ का संपादन करते हैं। उपरोक्त वाक्यों के सभी सब्जेक्ट अपने कार्य में सक्रिय हैं अर्थात verbs – cooks, write, watching तथा plucked Active Voice में हैं।
Before learn start Active and Passive Voice, Read about auxiliary verbs in detail.
A verb is is said to be in the passive voice when the person or thing donated by the subject does not act what suffers the action done by something/someone.
पैसिव वॉइस क्या है?
Passive Voice में किसी क्रिया को तब कहा जाता है जब वह किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु सब्जेक्ट रूप में कार्य नहीं करते हैं लेकिन किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के द्वारा किए गए कार्य का परिणाम भोगते हैं।
Structure of Passive Voice – Passive Subject + Passive Voice Helping Verb + Main Verb III + By + Passive object
जैसे –
1. खाना उसके द्वारा पकाया जाता है।
Food is cooked by him.
2. पत्र तुम्हारे द्वारा लिखा जाता है।
A letter is written by him.
3. टीवी श्याम के द्वारा देखी जा रही है।
TV is being watched by Shyam.
4. फूल रोहन के द्वारा तोड़ा गया।
A flower was plucked by Rohan.
Note – उपरोक्त वाक्यों में Food, A letter, TV और A flower की प्रधानता है यह सब्जेक्ट के रूप में आए हैं। इन वाक्यों में Verbs Passive Voice में हैं। इन वाक्यों में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु द्वारा किए गए कार्यों का परिणाम इनके द्वारा भोगा जा रहा है। अर्थात प्रभाव इन पर पड़ रहा है।
याद रखें – Transitive Verb का Passive Voice बनता है। Intransitive Verb का Passive Voice नहीं बनता है।
Active Voice and Passive Voice Rules in Hindi are given below. To understand these rules, don’t skip any rule. Read them carefully and try to solve some examples.
1. सबसे पहले Active Voice के वाक्य का Subject, Object, Verb तथा Tense पता करते हैं।
2. Active Voice वाक्य के Active Object को Passive Subject बनाकर प्रारंभ में रखते हैं।
3. उसके बाद Passive Voice की Helping Verb Number तथा Person के अनुसार रखते हैं।
4. Main verb की Third form रखते हैं अर्थात जो verb पहले से दी गई होती है उसको Verb की Third Form में बदल देते हैं।
5. उसके बाद Preposition ‘by’ रखते हैं। इसके अलावा at, to, with का प्रयोग भी होता है लेकिन कुछ विशेष शब्दों के बाद।
6. अंत में वाक्य के Subject को Object बनाकर By के बाद लिखते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + Passive Voice Helping Verb + Main Verb III + By + Passive object
ऊपर दिए गए नियमों के अनुसार नियम 3 में बताया गया है कि Passive Voice Helping Verb को Object के बाद रखते हैं। यहां Passive की सभी Helping Verbs नीचे दी जा रही हैं।
Tense | Active Voice Helping Verb | Passive Voice Helping Verb |
Present Indefinite Tense | do, does | is, am, are |
Present Continuous Tense | is, am, are | is being, am being, are being |
Present Perfect Tense | has, have | has been, have been |
Past Indefinite Tense | did | was, were |
Past Continuous Tense | was, were | was being, were being |
Past Perfect Tense | had | had been |
Future Indefinite Tense | shall, will | shall be, will be |
Future Perfect Tense | shall have, will have | shall have been, will have been |
Change in Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Can | Can be |
Could | Could be |
May | May be |
Might | Might be |
Must | Must be |
Should | Should be |
Would | Would be |
Is to, am to, are to | Is to be, am to be, are to be |
Was to, were to | Was to be, were to be |
has to, have to | has to be, have to be |
had to | had to be |
Will have to, Shall have to | Will have to be, Shall have to be |
Note – Passive Voice केवल ऊपर दिए गए 8 Tenses का बनता है। बचे हुए चार टेंस Present perfect continuous tense, Past perfect continuous tense, Future continuous tense, Future perfect continuous tense का Passive Voice नहीं बनता है।
Pronoun में Change
Subject | Object |
I | me |
We | us |
You | you |
He | him |
She | her |
It | it |
They | them |
Tense Wise Passive Voice Rules in Hindi Affirmative and Negative Sentences को Active से Passive में बदलने के नियम नीचे दिए जा रहे हैं।
यदि आप ऊपर दिए गए Passive Voice Rules समझने के बाद अब आप Tense Wise Passive Voice Rules समझेंगे। सबसे पहले Present Indefinite Tense के Passive Voice Rules को दिया जा रहा है। नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार हम Active Voice के Sentence को Passive Voice में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + is/am/are + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. She washes her clothes.
Her clothes are washed by her.
2. He opens the door.
The door is opened by them.
3. They play video games.
Video games are played by them.
4. I do not do my work.
My work is not done by me.
5. The girl calls her mother.
Her mother is called by the girl.
6. The boy does not take medicine.
Medicine is not taken by the boy.
Note – यदि Active Voice के वाक्य का Object Singular Noun या Pronoun है तो Passive Voice की Helping Verb is लगाते हैं और यदि I आये तो am का प्रयोग करते हैं Plural Noun या Pronoun आने पर are का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Active Voice के Present Continuous Tense के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलते समय is, am, are को Is being, am being, are being में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + is/am/are + being + main verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. I am searching for you.
You are being searched for by me.
2. We are watering the plants.
The plants are being watered by us.
3. Ravi is learning English.
English is being learnt by Ravi.
4. You are buying a car tomorrow.
A car is being bought by you tomorrow.
5. Ram is cleaning his shop.
His shop is being cleaned.
पूर्ण वर्तमान काल (Present Perfect Tense) के Active Voice के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलते समय Has, Have को Has been, Have been में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + has been/have been + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. You have stolen my book.
My book has been stolen by you.
2. She has told a lie.
A lie has been told by her.
3. They have not heard this news.
This news has not been heard by them.
4. Someone has opened my window.
My window has been opened.
5. Seeta has answered all the questions.
All the questions have been answered by Seeta
6. They have not sung a song.
A song has not been sung by them.
Past Indefinite Tense में Active से Passive Voice के वाक्य बनाते समय Passive Object के साथ was were का प्रयोग करते हैं। यदि Passive Object Singular Noun और Pronoun हो Was का और Plural Noun या Pronoun हो तो were का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + was/were + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. They bought a house yesterday.
A house was bought by them yesterday.
2. Vijay caught the thief.
The thief was caught by Vijay.
3. The police did not release the criminal.
The criminal was not released by the police.
4. I spoke the truth.
The truth was spoken by me.
5. The cow did not eat the grass.
The grass was not eaten by the cow.
ऊपर दिए गए टेंस के अनुसार ही इस Past Continuous Tense टेंस में परिवर्तन करते हैं। Passive Voice बनाते समय यदि Passive Object सिंगुलर है तो was being का प्रयोग, Plural है तो were being का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Structure – Passive Subject + was being/were being + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. They were playing cricket in the field.
Cricket was being played by them in the field.
2. The man was not helping the poor.
The poor were not being helped by the man.
3. I was not waiting for you.
You are not being waited for by me.
4. Shyam and Rohan were buying a new house.
A new house was being bought by Shyam and Rohan.
5. Someone was knocking at the door.
The door was being knocked at.
6. He was not writing an email to his mother.
An email is not being written by him to his mother.
Past perfect tense के वाक्यों को Active से Passive Voice में बदलते समय Had को Had been में बदलते हैं, बाकी के बदलाव नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार किए जाते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + had been + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. They had won the match.
The match had been won by them.
2. The girls had not done their work.
Their work had not been done by the girls.
3. Sohan had decorated his house before the party began.
His house had been decorated by Sohan before the party began.
4. You had already warned me.
I had already been warned by you.
5. We had sold our house before you went.
Our house had been sold by us before you went.
6. She had never spoken the truth.
The truth had never been spoken by her.
सामान्य भविष्य काल अर्थात Future Indefinite Tense की Helping Verb Active Voice में Shall तथा Will होती है। इस टेंस के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय Shall तथा Will को Shall be तथा Will be में बदलते हैं। इसके आगे वाले टेंस फ्यूचर कंटीन्यूअस टेंस का Passive Voice नहीं बनता है।
Structure – Passive Subject + shall be/will be + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. This man will help us.
We shall be helped by this man.
2. I shall not invite you to the party.
You will not be invited by me to the party.
3. Nobody will understand you.
You will not be understood.
4. She will not teach me.
I shall not be taught why her.
5. We shall read the Ramayana.
The Ramayana will not be read by us.
6. The children will make a noise.
A noise will be made by the children.
Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलते समय Future Perfect Tense के वाक्यों के Passive Object के साथ Shall have को shall have been तथा will have को Will have been में बदलते हैं। इसके आगे वाले टेंस फ्यूचर परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस का Passive Voice नहीं बनता है।
Structure – Passive Subject + shall have been/will have been + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. Grandfather will have read the newspaper.
The newspaper will have been read by grandfather.
2. She will have washed her clothes.
Her clothes will have been washed by her.
3. The government will have dismissed the corrupt officers.
The corrupt officers have been dismissed by the government.
4. Your friend will not have met you by evening.
You will not have been met by your friend.
5. We shall have won this cricket match.
This cricket match will have been won by us.
Rule – 1 Sentence में Passive Objects के रूप में someone, somebody, nobody, people, no one, police, public, them, us आदि का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। यदि वाक्य का अर्थ स्पष्ट ना हो तब इनका प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। लेकिन ऊपर दिए नाउन प्रोनाउन का प्रयोग किए बगैर वाक्य का अर्थ स्पष्ट होता है तो इनका प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
Examples –
1. Someone has opened the door.
The door has been opened.
2. The police arrested the thieves.
The thieves were arrested.
3. People praise him.
He is praised.
Rule 2 – यदि एक्टिव वॉइस के वाक्य में दो कर्म object आये तो हैं, उन दोनों में से किसी एक को Passive Subject बनाकर पैसे वॉइस बनाते हैं।
Examples –
1. He gave me a precious ring.
⇒I was given a precious ring by him.
⇒A precious ring was given me by me.
2. The girl did not ask me a question.
⇒I was not asked a question by the girl.
⇒A question was not asked me by the girl.
Rule – 3 यदि Active Voice के वाक्य की क्रिया के बाद कोई Proposition आती है तो नीचे दिए structure के अनुसार Passive Voice बनाते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject – Helping Verb + main verb III + preposition + by + Passive Object
Note – नीचे दी गई Verbs वर्ब्स के बाद preposition पर उनको उसी verb के साथ रखते हैं।
Loo into, run away, take over, see off, give up, break up, break down, come across, make out, look after, break up, breakout, ask for, send for, aim at, supply with, satisfied with, pleased with, reply to, known to, obliged to, contain in, insist on, provide with etc.
Examples –
1. He laughed at the poor beggar.
The poor beggar was laughed at by him.
2. Your brother was searching for his sister.
His sister was being searched by your brother.
Rule – 4 Passive Voice में कुछ ऐसी क्रिया होती हैं जिनके बाद by के अलावा with, to, on, at, it आदि का प्रयोग करते हैं।
जैसे – listen to, invited to, amazed at, pleased with, known to, interested in, astonished at, satisfied with, displeased with, dissatisfied with, dependent on, annoyed at, addicted to, knocked at, preferred to, invited to, quarrel with, prepared for, compared to, etc.
Examples –
1. My father knows him.
He is known to my father.
2. You satisfied me.
I was satisfied with you.
Rule – 1 नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में Modal Auxiliary Verbs का प्रयोग किया गया है। Passive voice में इन्हें बदलते समय इनके साथ be जोड़ कर लिखते हैं। नीचे दिए गए sentence structure को समझें –
Structure – Passive Subject + Modal Auxiliary Verbs + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. She can lift this box.
This box can be lifted by her.
2. Rama can speak Urdu.
Urdu can be spoken by Rama.
3. We may find him.
He may be found (by us.)
4. They must help the poor.
The poor must be helped (by them.)
5. Nobody could catch the thief.
The thief could not be caught.
6. Sohan ought to respect his parents.
His parents ought to be respected by Sohan.
7. Anybody can solve this sum.
This sum can be solved.
8. Everyone will help us.
We shall be helped.
9. You should drink hot water daily.
Hot water should be drunk by you daily.
Rule – 2 यदि Active Voice के Sentence में Modal Auxiliary Verb + Have + Verb III आये तो वाक्य को नीचे दिए गए structure के अनुसार Passive Voice में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + Modal Auxiliary Verb + have been + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
Examples –
1. You should have watched your fields.
Your fields have been watched by you.
2. She must have cooked the food.
The food must have been cooked by her.
3. You will have completed your work.
Your work will have been completed by you.
4. You could not have done this work.
This work could not have been done by you.
5. She might have found the purse.
The purse might have been found by her.
Rule – 3 यदि Active Voice के सेंटेंस में is/am/are/were/has/have/had + to + verb I आये तो वाक्य को Passive Voice में नीचे दिए गए structure के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject + is/am/are/were/has/have/had + to be + Main Verb III + by + Passive Object
1. He is to do this work.
This work is to be done by him.
2. I am to sing a song.
A song is to be sung by me.
3. We are to help the poor.
The poor are to be helped.
4. He has to do it.
It has to be done by him.
5. You have to wear this new dress.
This new dress has to be worn by you.
6. They had to pay a lot of money.
A lot of money had to be paid.
7. Shyam will have to clear his dues.
His dues will have to be cleared by Shyam.
Affirmative तथा Negative को एक्टिव से पैसिव वॉइस में बदलने के नियमों को सीखने के बाद अब आपकी बारी इंटेरोगेटिव सेंटेंसेस को सीखने की है। प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों को एक्टिव वॉइस से पैसिव वॉइस में कैसे बदलते हैं यह आपको आसान से नियमों में बताया जाएगा। प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य दो तरह के होते हैं – Yes-No Type Questions
Wh-words Type Questions सबसे पहले आपको यस नो टाइप क्वेश्चंस वाले वाक्यों को एक्टिव वॉइस से पैसिव वॉइस में बदलना सीखना है। नीचे दिए गए Rules, Structures तथा Examples को ध्यान से समझें –
Rules for changing Yes-No Type Questions from Active to Passive Voice
Rule – 1 यदि वाक्य Helping Verb या Auxiliary Verb से प्रारंभ है तो ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए नीचे दिए गए points को फॉलो करते हैं।
Structure – Helping Verb + Passive Subject + Main Verb III + By + Passive Object + ?
Examples –
1. Do you like him?
Is he liked by you?
2. Does she need some water?
Is some water needed by her?
3. Are you driving a car?
Is a car being driven by you?
4. Have I written a letter?
Has a letter been written by me?
5. Did you know that person?
Was that person known to you?
Rule 2 – यदि Active Voice का वाक्य किसी प्रश्नवाचक शब्द से शुरू है तो उस वाक्य को Passive Voice में बदलते समय उस प्रश्नवाचक शब्द को वाक्य शुरुआत में रखते हैं।
नीचे दिए गए स्ट्रक्चर को ध्यान से पढ़ें –
Structure – Question word + helping verb + Passive Subject + main verb III + by + Passive Object + ?
अब आप सभी टेंस के Passive Voice Rules and Examples of Interrogative Sentences पढ़ेंगे। नीचे सभी Tense के structure और उनके examples दिए गए हैं –
Structure – Is/am/are + Passive Subject + Main Verb III + By + Passive Object + ?
Examples –
1. Does he clean his room?
Is his room cleaned by him?
2. Do you solve the questions?
Are the questions solved by you?
3. Does Ram revise his course?
Is his course revised by Ram?
4. Do they do it?
Is it done by them?
Structure – 2
5. What does he need?
What is needed by him?
6. Where do you keep your books?
Where are your books kept by you?
7. How do they wash their bikes?
How are their bikes washed by them?
8. Why do we help the poor?
Why are the poor helped by us?
Structure – Is/am/are + Passive Subject + being + Main Verb III + by + Passive Subject + ?
Examples –
1. Are you lifting the box?
Is the box being lifted by you?
2. Am I teaching you Sanskrit?
Is Sanskrit being taught you by me?
3. Is he establishing a new company?
Is a new company being established by him?
4. Are the girls singing a song?
Is a new song being sung by you?
5. What is your father doing in that company?
What is being done in that company by your father?
6. How are you crossing the street?
How is the street being crossed by you?
Structure – Has/Have + Passive Subject + been + Main verb III + By + Object + ?
Examples –
1. Has he decorated his house?
Has his house been decorated by him?
2. Have you seen the movie?
Has the movie been by you?
3. Has Sonu opened the windows of his room?
Have the windows of his room been opened by Sonu?
4. Why have they abused him?
Why has he been abused by them?
5. How has he killed the lion?
Has the lion been killed by him?
6. What has Seema completed?
What has been completed by Seema?
Did you help the poor yesterday?
Were the poor helped by you yesterday?
Did she water the plants in the garden?
Were the plants watered in the garden by him?
What did you buy from the mall?
What was bought from the mall by him?
Why did the driver stop the car on the road?
Why was the car stopped on the road by the driver?
When did your grandfather build this house?
When was this house built by your grandfather?
1. Were you chasing the children?
Were the children being chased by you?
2. Was I teaching you French?
Was French being taught you by me?
3. Were my friends playing cricket with you?
Was cricket being played with you by my friends?
4. What was Vijay carrying?
What was being carried by Vijay
5. When were they reaping their crop?
When was their crop reaped by the them?
6. How were the girls prepare for the examination?
How was the examination prepared for by the girls?
Had Ruchi cleaned her floor?
Had har floor wien cleaned by Ruchi?
Had Raju written a letter before noon?
Had a letter been written by Raju before noon?
Had they already called you?
Had you already been called by you?
What had he watched by evening?
What had been watched by him evening?
Where had father put his books before you left?
Where had the books been kept by father before you left?
Will you help those children?
Will those children be helped by you?
Shall I take a bath in the morning?
Will a bath be taken by me in the morning?
Will she clean her mother’s room?
Will her mother’s room be cleaned by her?
What will he do for you?
What will be done for you by him?
How shall we cross the forest?
How will the forest be crossed by us?
Where will she graze her cow?
Where will her cow be grazed by her?
Will he have said his prayer before evening?
Will his prayer have been said by him before evening?
Shall we have met him at the station by 2 o’clock?
Will he have been met at the station by us by 2 o’clock?
Will Shyam have taken his medicine before the doctor comes?
Will his medicine have been taken by him before the doctor comes?
What will Shyam have done by Monday?
What will have been done by Shyam by Monday?
How shall we have finished the work?
How will the work have been finished by us?
Rule -1 यदि Active Voice का वाक्य Who से प्रारंभ है तो Passive Voice बनाते समय नीचे दिए गए के structure के अनुसार Passive Voice बनाया जाता है। –
Structure – By whom + Helping Verb + Passive Subject + Main Verb III + Other Words + ?
Examples –
1. Who calls you?
By whom are you called?
2. Who does not teach you?
By whom are you not taught?
3. Who is calling you now?
By whom are you being called?
4. Who has killed the goat?
By whom has the goat been killed?
5. Who completed the job?
By whom was the job completed?
6. Who was reading the book?
By whom was the book being read?
7. Who had broken the chair?
By whom had the chair been broken?
8. Who will search my purse?
By whom will my purse be searched?
9. Who will have washed my clothes by morning?
By whom will my clothes be washed?
Rule – 2 यदि active voice का वाक्य what से शुरू है तो नीचे दिए गए structure के अनुसार Passive बनाते हैं।
Structure – What + helping verb + main verb III + by +Passive Object + ?
Examples –
1. What is he doing?
What is being done by him?
2. What did you buy?
What was bought by you?
3. What will he say?
What will be said by him?
Rule – 3 जब एक्टिव वॉइस का वाक्य Which, whose, whom, how much, how many से शुरू हो तो पैसिव वॉइस निम्न प्रकार से बनाते हैं।
Examples –
1. Which girl is doing your work?
By which girl is your work being done?
2. Which man has stolen your purse?
By which man has your purse been stolen?
3. Whom do you like?
Who is liked by you?
4. Whom did you invite?
Who was invited by you?
5. Whose son will help you?
By whose son will you be helped?
6. Whose brother does not like you?
By whose brother are you not liked?
7. How much oil did he buy yesterday?
How much oil was bought by him yesterday?
8. How many toys will your child buy?
How many toys will be bought by your child?
Passive Voice के आज्ञा सूचक वाक्यों को बनाने से पहले आपको आज्ञा सूचक वाक्यों के बारे में जानकारी होना आवश्यक है।
An Imperative Sentence indicates command, request, order and advice. (आज्ञासूचक वाक्य से आज्ञा, निवेदन, आदेश तथा परामर्श का बोध होता है।)
जैसे –
1. Open the door. (दरवाजा खोलो)
2. Write your name. (अपना नाम लिखो)
3. Please help me. (कृपया मेरी मदद कीजिए)
4. Kindly listen to me carefully. (कृपया मेरी बात ध्यान से सुनिए।)
5. Don’t disturb him. (उसे परेशान मत करो।)
6. Do not go out in the sun. (धूप में बाहर मत जाओ।)
7. Never tell a lie. (कभी झूठ मत बोलो)
8. Always help the poor. (सदा गरीबों की मदद करो।)
Rule – 1 यदि Imperative Sentence Affirmative है और Verb की First Form से शुरू है तो नीचे दिए हुए structure के अनुसार Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Let + Passive Subject + to be + Main Verb III + other words
Examples –
1. Open the shop.
Let the shop be opened.
2. Write your name.
Let your name be written.
3. Bring a notebook.
Let a notebook be brought.
4. Play the music.
Let the music be played.
5. Shut the door.
Let the door be shut.
6. Read the book.
Let the book be read.
7. Do it.
Let it be done.
Rule – 2 यदि Imperative Sentence Negative है और Don’t या Do not से शुरू है तो नीचे दिए गए structure के अनुसार sentence को Active से Passive Voice में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Let + Passive Subject + not + to be + Main Verb III + Other Words
Examples –
1. Don’t pluck the flower.
Let the flower not be plucked.
2. Don’t beat the child.
Let the child not be beaten.
3. Don’t write your name.
Let your name not be written.
4. Don’t tell a lie.
Let a lie not be told.
5. Do not close the door.
Let the door not be closed.
6. Don’t release the thief.
Let the thief not be released.
Rule – 3 यदि Active Voice के वाक्य में किसी सलाह या सुझाव का बोध हो तो नीचे दिए गए structure के अनुसार Passive Voice में बदलते हैं।
Structure – Passive Subject (main word) + should be + main verb III + other words
Examples –
1. Love your family.
Your family should be loved.
2. Help the poor.
The poor should be helped.
3. Do not insult the beggar.
The beggar should not be insulted.
4. Respect your parents.
Your parents should be respected.
5. Obey your elders.
Your elders should be obeyed.
Note – Imperative Sentences के Passive Voice में By you का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
ध्यान दें – ऊपर दिए गए नियम नंबर 3 व 4 से यदि आपको आदेश या सलाह का पता ना चले तो दोनों में से किसी भी एक नियम का पालन कर सकते हैं।
Rule – 4 यदि Active Voice का Imperative
Sentence Please या Kindly से शुरू है तो इससे निवेदन का भाव प्रकट होता है ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलते समय नीचे दिए गए structure को फॉलो करते हैं। ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलते समय Please या Kindly जैसे शब्दों को हटाकर उसके स्थान पर You are requested to लिख देते हैं तथा बाकी का बचा हुआ वाक्य उसी में जोड़ दिया जाता है।
Structure – You are requested to + Main Verb I + Object
Examples –
1. Please help me.
You are requested to help me.
2. Kindly start the music.
You are requested to start the music.
3. Please open the door.
You are requested to open the door.
4. Please give me some water.
You are requested to give me some water.
5. Kindly listen to me.
You are requested to listen to me.
Rule – 5 यदि Active Voice का Imperative Sentence ‘Let’ से स्टार्ट है तो ऐसे वाक्यों को पैसे Passive Voice में बदलते समय नीचे दिए गए structure को फॉलो करते हैं –
Structure – Let + Direct Object + be + main verb III + by + indirect object
Examples –
1. Let me write a letter.
Let a letter be written by me.
2. Let him wash the clothes.
Let the clothes be washed by him.
3. Let me do this work.
Let this work we done by me.
4. Let us play the match.
Let the match be played.
5. Let her help the poor.
Let the poor be helped by her.
Note – ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में से वाक्य नंबर 4 में Let के बाद आया है, ऐसे वाक्यों में सलाह का बोध होता है। इनको Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों को ध्यान से समझें –
Structure – Active Voice – Let + us + Verb I
Passive Voice – It is suggested that + we should + main verb I
Examples –
1. Let us play.
It is suggested that we should play.
2. Let us work together.
It is suggested that we should work together.
3. Let us go for a walk.
It is suggested that we should go for a walk.
Rule 6 – यदि कोई Active Voice का Imperative Sentence किसी Intransitive Verb से शुरू है और उससे आदेश या सलाह का भाव प्रकट होता है तो ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice में में बदलते समय नीचे दिए गए स्ट्रक्चर को फॉलो करते हैं –
Structure – You are ordered/advised to + remaining sentence
Examples –
1. Stand up. (order)
You are ordered to stand up.
2. Go there. (order)
You are order to go there.
3. Work hard. (advice)
You are advised to work.
4. Get out. (order)
You are ordered to get out.
Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises are given below. You must read all the above rules before solving these exercises.
Our aim is to teach English Grammar to everyone. There are many topics in English Grammar. Active Voice and Passive Voice are also one of them. We have included all the rules of passive voice in Hindi. People search English Grammar in Hindi to learn English. This post of Active Voice and Passive in Hindi is very useful for you because it has all the rules, examples and exercises of passive voice. After reading this article, please share this post to your friends and family.
I am an English language expert with over 10 years of teaching experience, specializing in grammar and linguistics. Passionate about making learning accessible, he writes in-depth, easy-to-understand guides.
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