Current negotiations are reopeners for the 2023-2024 fiscal year which begins July 1, 2023.
CSEA members were previously given a 2% raise effective July 1, 2022 that was ratified through a previous negotiation cycle.
Chapter 767:
The 2% raise that was effective July 1, 2022 was negotiated in 2021.
The District:
At the November 2022 Board of Trustees meeting, the Board approved a 6.5% raise for CTA (full-time faculty), supervisory/confidential, and administration. The same 6.5% raise was negotiated with CWA (part-time faculty) and approved by the Board at the October 2022 meeting. These raises were effective 7.1.2022 for CTA and CWA, and 11.1.2022 for the other two groups.
Chapter 767:
In October 2022, the MSJC Board of Trustees approved a Restructuring of Salary Schedules for Superintendent/President, Administrators, and Faculty (link: in addition to the aforementioned 6.5% increase for those groups.
Total increases were as follows:
The District:
To align with the 6.5% increase given to other groups, the District has offered CSEA a 4.5% increase to be effective January 1, 2023. This amount, in addition to the 2% previously negotiated for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, would bring the increase to the same 6.5% the Board approved for the other groups.
Chapter 767:
The 2% mentioned above was negotiated and ratified in June 2021, and implemented July 1, 2022. We are currently negotiating for 2023-2024.
The District:
Although the current fiscal (2022-2023) year was previously closed to further negotiations following the completion of that year’s negotiations cycle, an additional 4.5% has been offered for the current fiscal year to be applied retroactively as noted above.
Chapter 767:
In October 2022, the Board of Trustees approved a Tentative Agreement with the Faculty Association in which The District proposed an across-the-board salary increase of 6.5% effective July 1, 2022. Faculty Association negotiations for the 2022-23 academic year were closed at the time of the agreement. (link:$file/9.29.22%20Signed%20Tentative%20Agreement%20-%20MSJCFA%20-CTA.pdf)
The District:
In addition to the 4.5% raise, the only additional asks from the District at present are:
Chapter 767:
The District:
There are no other concessions being asked of any current CSEA member or other changes to the contract being asked by the District.
The full CSEA contract will open for negotiations in the next negotiations cycle, and CSEA can sunshine their items as early as July 1, 2023 but before December 1, 2023 as per section 18.2 of the collective bargaining agreement for the contract effective date of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027, including negotiations regarding salary as well as other contract language.
Chapter 767:
Successor contract negotiations consist of bargaining the entirety of the contract. Successor negotiations may be sunshined as early as July 1, 2023 as described above.
We are currently engaged in Re-Openers for 2023-2024, in which we are addressing the articles listed below as dictated by our membership:
CSEA Chapter 767 sunshined its 2023-2024 Re-Openers with its Initial Proposal in November 2022, per our collective bargaining agreement with the Mt. San Jacinto Community College District.