Mental Health Victoria has been funded by the Department of Health to host a suite of readily available resources to support the community and non-acute Mental Health and Wellbeing sector in the implementation of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022.
Under the new legislation, many community-based and primary care services will be covered for the first time.
Mental Health Victoria is working to support the sector in understanding and implementing obligations and principles of the Act.
The Implementation Project will:
The following resources can help you understand new changes and responsibilities under the Act.
There are more support and training platforms to come from the Department of Health and their organisational partners, including an e-Learning package and HelpDesk. Mental Health Victoria will also be delivering ongoing updates and support through our eNews, community forums, and webinars.
For more information about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022, including a comparison of key provisions, please visit the Department of Health’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 webpage.
The Department of Health have developed a suite of resources to assist the Mental Health and Wellbeing workforce to understand the changes from the previous Mental Health Act 2014. The resources will support the sector to understand their obligations and responsibilities under this new legislation.
One of the resources that has been developed is an interactive eLearn package made up of several modules. The package will assist the workforce in interpreting the new legislation and promote the vision of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health Service in achieving increased rights for consumers, their families, carers, and friends to achieve the highest attainable standard of care.
Please view the exciting new eLearn resource here (Note: Registration to MHPOD may be required).
Mental Health Victoria was delighted to host the CEO & Board Member Breakfast Event about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 in August.
We heard from the Minister for Mental Health, Ingrid Stitt, about the successes of implementing the Act to date and the importance of working together to achieve change.
Facilitated by Chris McDermott, MHV’s Deputy Chair, we had a stimulating panel discussion with thought provoking contributions from:
It was a jam-packed morning celebrating the progress we have made, the genuine and integrous passion we all share for working towards a “No-Wrong-Door” system, and the importance of practicing bravery and leadership on this long and windy road to the change that is system reform.
The digital format of the resources provided on the day are below:
Mental Health Victoria held this Information and Consultation Forum on 20 July 2023 - including an update on Act implementation activities provided by Katherine Whetton, Deputy Secretary, Mental Health and Wellbeing (Department of Health).
If you have any further questions regarding the Act or information and training activities coming up, please feel free to contact us at